John Alfred Tinniswood is the oldest man alive on earth. Know the details; John Alfred Tinniswood is the known oldest man on earth. He is 112 years old. He won the Guinness World Records title on Thursday.
John Alfred Tinniswood secret of Longevity
John Alfred Tinniswood born on 26/8, 1912. He is a Britisher. He survived two world wars. He was a member of the British army. He is currently living in an old age home. He received this title after the death of Juan Vicente Pérez. He was from Venezuela. He was 114 years old. John Alfred Tinniswood was an accountant. He is currently living in Southport, in north west England. He said that moderation is the key for everything. If you drink alcohol more, eat food more or even walk more, it is gonna be bad for your body and longevity. John never smokes. He rarely drinks. He does not follow any special diet. Although he said that he eats fish and chips on Friday. According to the John, it is a pure luck behind this Longevity.