Telegram ban news: According to a PTI report, the Indian IT Ministry has urged the Ministry of Home Affairs to look into any possible violations on the Telegram app in the Indian context while Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is being held in French custody. If there have been any complaints against Telegram that are still unresolved, the IT Ministry would like to know so that necessary action can be taken against the app in India as well.
Telegram ban news
The PTI story quotes a source as stating, “In light of what has happened in France, IT Ministry has asked Ministry of Home Affairs to check on complaints pending against Telegram and what action can be taken.” “ In the meantime, a different report from MoneyControl claims that the Indian authorities is specifically looking into Telegram’s purported abuse in extortion and gambling. Information Technology (IT) Rules infractions are allegedly unrelated to the ongoing investigation being conducted by MeitY and the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre. An official affirmed that the platform conforms with these regulations. It require the chief compliance officer, nodal officer, and monthly reports to be published. Authorities intend to evaluate the data they have been given and make choices that comply with regional legislation.